Page 151 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 151


                   Overseas Posl:  Foreign Countries, conhl.

     FRENCH  WEST  INDIES (Guadeloupe and  Martinique), conhl.
       Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small packet  post—up  to  SIOO
     preen label written in French and English required; thereafter top green label and
     form C2/CP3.
       Prohibitions:  (Martinique  only)  Bank-notes,  cheques,  currency  notes,  docu­
     ments payable to hearer:  gold,  jewellery,  platinum,  precious stones,  silver, may
     he sent only  in  registered  items  (Guadeloupe  and  Martinique).  Charged  butane
     gas  lighters and refills (uncharged  lighters arc admitted).
       Parcel Post
        Surface:  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
        Air:    No Service.
       Insurance:  No Serv ice.
       Customs declarations:  3  forms  C2/CP3  and  I  despatch  note  CP2  written  in
     French and English.
       Prohibitions:  Letters;  charged  butane  gas  lighters  and  rclills  (uncharged
     lighters arc admitted).
      6Vit parcels:  Customs charges are payable on  gift parcels.  The  words  “Envoi
     hole Gratuit" must be written prominently on the cover of the parcel.
       Restrictions:  The  importation  of certain  classes  of goods  including  t.bacco
     products is subject to the production of an import licence.
      Sealing:  Parcels should be sca'cd with a distinctive device.
      Charges:  Charges  for  inland  conveyance  arc  collected  from  the  addressee
     except at Fort de France, Basse-Terre and Pointc a Pitre.
     Fl'JAIRAH—See Unite.! Arab Emirates
      Letter Post
                  1    See Schedules of Letter Rales.

      Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up  to  SIOO
     reen  label  written in French  and  English  required;  thereafter  top  green label
     form and C2/CP3.
      Insurance:  No Service.
      Prohibitions: Bank-notes, currency notes, documents payable to bearer except
    in registered letters; charged butane gas lighters and refills (uncharged lighters are
    admitted); coin,  gold, jewellery,  platinum,  precious  stones, silver;  plants;  con­
    traceptives; radio-active materials.
      Restrictions:  Narcotics.
      Parcel Post
        Air       \  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcel Post Rates.
      Insurance:  No Service.
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