Page 158 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 158


                     Overseas Post:  Foreign Countries, contd.
      GILBERT ISLANDS  (including Line Islands  (Fanning,  Christmas and Wash­
        ington  Islands), Ocean  Islands and  Phoenix Islands), contd.
        Restrictions: Brushwarc containing any animal hair, narcotics, films,  celluloid.
        Compensation is not payable.
      GRAHAMLAND  (British  Antarctic Territory)  Sec  Falkland  Islands and  Falk­
        land Islands Dependencies.
        Letter Post
         Surface   1
         Air Mail   /  See Schedules of Letter Rates.
        Dutiable articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  small  packet  post—up to $100
      green label required; thereafter top green label and form C2/CP3.
        Insurance: Limit S800.
        Address:  In  order  to secure  prompt  delivery,  mails  for the  United  Kingdom
      must show the Post  Town in block  letters, fo'iowcd  by the name of the country
      on the last line; the Postcode written in Block Capitals must be placed to the right
      hand side of the name of the Post Town.
        Prohibitions:  Coin,  platinum,  gold  or  silver  manufactured  or  not,  precious
      stones, jewellery and other valuable articles, except in registered or insured letters,
      meat and meat products  (not  fully  cooked).  Advertisements relative to  betting,
      arms,  parts  of  arms,  munitions  and  similar  articles;  contraband  articles;
      counterfeit bank or currency notes: counterfeit  postage stamps whether  obsolete
      or not and  articles  bearing  such  stamps;  fortune telling  advertisements;  living
      creatures,  except  bees,  leeches  and  silk  worms  and  certain  parasites  and
      destroyers  of  noxious  insects  intended  for  the  control  of  such  insects  and
      exchanged  between  officially  recognised  institutions:  lottery  tickets  and
      advertisements  thereof:  money  lenders'  circulars,  shaving  brushes  made in or
      exported from Japan. See also under parcels post.
        Restrictions:  Radio-active substances,  narcotics,  paints etc.,  celluloid,  inflam­
      mable films.
        Parcel Post
         Surface  \  See Schedule of Overseas Surface and Air Parcels Post Rates.
         Air    /

        Customs declarations:  1Yellow  form  CP3.  Customs  declarations  must  show
      the net weight or quantity and value of each class of article and  must bear the
      signature of the sender.
        Insurance: Limit S800.
       Prohibitions:  Cheque books  (which  must be sent by  letter  post  only)  rags
      and bedding: soiled clothing; shaving  brushes  made in or exported  from Japan:
      goat hair and wool and goods mixed therewith.
       Liquid  or  substances  for  analysis  or  medical  examinations;  Pathological
       Food products and beverages to which any preservative or other substance has
      been added;
       Opium, morphine, cocaine and other stupefying drugs except under  authority,
      from the British Home Office;
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