Page 161 - Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977
P. 161


                   Overseas Posl: Foreign Countries, contd.

      Observations: No liability is accepted by the British  Post Office for any parcel
     containing precious stones, jewellery, or any articles  of gold or silver exceeding
     S2-I0 in value forwarded  in  transit  through or for  delivery in Great  Britain and
     Northern Ireland unless it is enclosed in a  box not  less than 3 ft. bins, in length
     and girth combined.

      Silver  plate (which can  be sent  only  in  insured  parcels)  forwarded  to  Great
     Britain  and  Northern  Ireland  as  merchandise,  will  be  assayed  on  arrival,  and
     if found to be below the  proper standard will  not  be admitted.
      Customs provisions:
      A  fee  for clearance  through  the  Customs  is charged  on every  parcel.
      To ensure the speedy clearance through the Customs of postal parcels  addres­
     sed  to  places  in  Great  Britain  and  Northern  Ireland  the  following  regulations
     should be observed:—
      If goods arc liable to any  "ad valorem" duty, an invoice showing  the contents
     in detail  and  the value of each  article should  be enclosed  and  the cover of the
     parcel should be marked on the address side “Invoice enclosed".

      When  the  invoice  relates  to  more  than  one  parcel,  the cover  of each  parcel
     should be marked “Invoice enclosed in  parcel  No..................................... ”
      A certificate of origin should be enclosed in parcels posted in  Jamaica contain­
     ing goods claimed  to  be of local  growth,  produce cr manufacture.  The  parcels
     should  be  marked  on  the  address  side  of  the  wrapper  “Certificate  of  origin
     enclosed", or, where the consignment comprises, more than one  parcel, “Certifi­
     cate of origin enclosed in  Parcel No..............................",

      Provided the value does not exceed S20, the prescribed certificate of origin may
     be dispensed with for parcels not containing  tobacco or not  being merchandise
     for sale, despatched  from a  place within Jamaica  to  Great  Britain or Northern
     Ireland, where sender has definite knowledge that the contents have been grown,
     or produced or manufactured locally, provided a signed declaration in the follow­
     ing terms is affixed to the outside of each parcel.
      “The contents of this  parcel  are not  merchandise  for  sale  and  every  article
     herein is the growth or produce, or, if a  manufactured article, is to the extent of
     at least..............percent of its  present value, bona fide  the  manufacture of Jam­
      In this connexion,  it should  be noted  that  responsibility  for ascertaining as to
     whether goods contained in post parcels are liable to customs  duty, and category
     in which they fall, rests on the sender as no information on the subject is available
     at local post offices.
      Letter Post
        Surface   \
        Air Mail   See Schedules of Letter Rates.
      Insurance: No Service.
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