Page 46 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 46


                                      U. S.  MARINE  CO"RPS .-AND
                                      OTHER  UNIT  HANDSTAMPS.
                                         Poster- M-USFS  1.

                   This  han~stamp)  although  not  stricily  a  unit handstamp~
            is  i~c1uded under  this heading  as  ii is the  receiving
            hanastamp  of  the  Prederick  Snare  Corporation,  and_ as·  such

            appears  on  most  o£  the  mail  destined  for Poriland Bight.
                   The  hand stamp  is in -two  parts,  the- £irs-t  part  consisting
            of a  four  li;ne  da-ter,.  having  -the  word  "RECEIYED\t  on  -the  top

            line  in  serif  type,  40  tnm  ){  4  lrlm.        The  next  line  is  the
            date  line,  the  date  being  in  sans  seri£ 1ype,  5  mm  high.

            The ...hext  two  lines  co.rnpri se  th.e.  words     1   ''FREDERICK  St-JARE  CO..R£..
            and  "KIN~STON.  JAMAlCA.         11   both  in  serif  type,  60  mm  x  3  mm  and

            43  mm  ~ 3  nun_,/    The  whole  of  this part  of  the  hands-tamp  is
            enc1.osed  in  a  sihgle  line "frame.,  6?  mm  x  3?  mm.
                    The  second  part  o£  ihe_nandstamp  comprisea  two  lines,

            reading,  ''NOy  4162:  - (JA)  KINGSTOW',  48  mrn  x  2~ mm,  and  "U .S...
            NAVY'',  2.0  mm  x  2.!  mm,  bo-th  lines being  in  seri:f type.  '!he
             firsi  line  o£  this part  o:f  -the  ha.nds-tam.p  gives  the  Navy ' s

             Contract  reference  in  respect  of  the  Corpora~iott.
                    It  would  appear  tha-t  the  second  part  of  the handstamp
             was  a  removable  part of  the  wnole,  as  the  nandsiamp  is

             recorded  withou-t  the  second  pari  and  covers  have  been  seen
             with_jus-t  the  gecond  part used.                'l'hese  varia.i:ions  give

             rise  to  the  various  sub- types  of M-USFS  1.,  and  ~rom  the
             examples  recoroed  the  second  part  always  appears  in  the
             same  position  ana  at  the  same  artgl.e  in  relation  to  the  first

             part;  ie.  when  used  it was  part  o:f  same.  handstarnp  and
             1:1o-t  separately  applied  after  part  ohe.
                    The  handstamp, be>tb  parts,  has  only  been  recorded  struck

             in blue.
             B~D:      ll/3/ 1941                                    L~D:
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