Page 48 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 48

                                         U.S.  MARlN~ CORPS  AND
                                         OTH£R  UNl~ HANDS~AMPS .

                                            Poster  - M-USPS  1 .
                                                  Type  ( ii).

                   Type  (ii)  of  M-USFS  l  is  the  state  o~ this handstamp
             without  the  second  part being  included.
             EKD:       8£4/1941                                     LJ<D:     9/7/1941

              WEST  INDIA  OIL  COMPANY,  S.  A.
                      KINGSTON   lAM.  or A.
                                            .   1

                      9  APR  194\
                                               p                                        "[-.
              FREDER!C K  SNA ~j~f>~1:<  •  Horner  - U .S.M.C., c  -1-- \ .... ';
                   KINGSTON.  JAMAfCA.              Comn:and ing  Mar i ne  De!Jfa&~~,
                                                              P . 0.  Box  448, "/ ...  c;  "'  ' :.
                                                                                  9'   ~·   ..,...,
                                                                      Kingst6h "'·  ~  r- -<'
                                                                                ~f\v  0  I""  ....,..
                   r------------------,  '-t- C•  ~ 0
                     U. S  NAVAL  A IR  STATION.                                  ~?, (~--~ f
                                                                                      ·t  ;...·  ~ L-
                          L I T T LE  G 0  AT           I S L AN D                 ':'~  6  -<  ·c.  ~
                                                                                   '0 ..G  g.  (j)  {
                                 JAMAICA  B. W. I.                                   .  ~ ~ ~ ·
                                                                                         ~ -1=1  •   .,.,
                                                                                         ~- <?

             Local  hand  delivered  cover  :from  l<ingston  to  the  Ma~ine
              Deiachment  via  1he  Preder1ck  Snare  ~orporation ' s  Of£ices.

              Tbese  Offices  were  at  32  Du~e Street,  Kingston,  but  also  used
              the  Post  Oifice Bo~ Number,  448.                The  cover  bears  M-USFS  L
              (ii),  ±ogeiher  with  the  censorship  nandstarnp  o£  ~ieut.  K.M.

              West,  M-DSNC  l,  together  with  M-USMU  1  (i).                 There  are  no
              other  dates  on  the  cover  that  -the  receiving d.ate  9th  April,
             1.941 .
   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51