Page 47 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 47

                                            U • S.  HARJ NE  COR.PS  ANt>
                                            OTHER  UNI~ HANDSTAMPS.

                                               Ioster  - M-USFS  1
                                                       Type  (i)

                        'I'ype  ( i)  of  M-USPS  1  is  'the  state  of  tnis handstamp  as
                  correctly  used,  ie .  comprising  boiFi  parts.
                  El<-D:   11/3 7194r                                      LK:D:

  l    - --=:t   ~  ~:           / '
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  ~    N    ~0  ~;:::,                            a-..
 I          wz  .....                      >
 lc:j       Q~       1>'1                  ~   -  t:k:
            w       0                             Q...
            ~       z                      ~              7.
  ~,  ~                                    u      <( ·  :L  0
 I    •                                           oo· -   v ,
                                           ~      _..  ~- c                    J;;.o.
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                                           ~          Q -
                                                      w  ~     ~
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                   The  top  cover  is  f'rom  a  ~ar.ine  at  st_.  Lucia  -to  Portland
                   'Bight  bearing  da.ter  o:f  'the  lOth  Naval  Headquar-ters  San J'uanl
                  Porto, Rico  of  the  ~8th April,  1941.                The  cover  bears
                   M-USPS  1  (i)  receiving dater  of  the  21st  May,  1941.

                  The  lower  cover  is from  Brantford,  Canada,  to Portland
                  ':Bight,  bearing Bran-tf'ord  machine  dater  o:f  the  2.9th  March,

                  1941.        The  cover  bears  M-tJS.P'S  l  ( i)  r ec e.i ving dater  of
                  the  18th-April,  1941 .
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