Page 45 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 45

                                         U.S .  MARINE  CORPS  A»D
                                         OTHER_  URIT  HANDSTAMPS .
                                            :roster  - USMU  3·

                     This  hands-ta111p  is  a_ further  receiving nand stamp  used  by
               the  Marines  at Portland Bight,  consisting  of  a  -three  line

               markin.g,  the  i-op  line  being the  date  in heavy  sans  se:rif
               -type,  5 tnm  hi~h.         The  next  line  consis-ts  of  -the  word

               ''RECEIVED\1,  35  mm  x  4  mm,  and  "QM.  l1D.  'J"AMAICA.  BWI ·        11  ,  47  nun
               ~ "3  mm,  both  these  lines being- in  serif type .                   The
               banclstamp  has  only  been  recorded  s-truck  in  purple,  and  it is

               believed  that ihe letters,  "QM.  MD."  stand  for  "Ql.l.arterrnaster
               Mari:ne  'Detachment".

               EKD:     f:3/5/l5Y.-2

                                        u. s.  Naval  Aviation  Facility,

                                                GOAT  I SLAND.

                Cover  from  ~ingston io  qoat  Island  bearing Kings1on  machihe
                dater  of  the  7~h May,  1942,  and  Old  Harbour  double  circle

                dater  of  the  same  day ,  Old  Harbou~ being then  the  nearest
               J"amaican Post  Office  to  the  base .              The  cover  also bears
                M-USMU  3  receiving  dater  of  the  st'n  May,  1942 .
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