Page 41 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 41

                                           D. S.  MARI NE  CORPS  AN]i)
                                           OTHER  UN! T  HANDSTAMPS .

                                             Poster  - M-USMU  l.
                                                   Type  (i).

                                                                  .  · ~
                                                                     5  PM
                                                                     1941   .
                                                                 G \·

                Cover  ~rom a  member  o£  the  U.S.S.  ~ristol at Newport  to
                Portland  Bight  bearing  Newport  machine  dater  of  the  24th

                November,  1941.            tfhe  cover  bears  censorship  llandstatnps
                M- USNC  2(i)  and  M-USNC  4(i) ,  tog~ther with  M-Ust··1U  l(i).

                There  is a  United  states  patriotic  l abe l  on  the  cover  but
                this  woul d  appear  -bo  'have  been  applied  in  the  United  States.
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