Page 37 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 37

                             U.  S.  NAV'l  ANI>  MARINE  CORPS  C~NSORSRll~

                                       HARDSTAMPS  AND  POSTMARKS.
                                            'Fosl:e-r  - M-USM  lB-.

                  1 . t.unmE
                tiAIIIE  OElACHMliT
                  pORTUID  lliiT
                  JAMAICA.  LW. L

                           ~ ·

                      BY AIR  MAIL       · ·
                                                                    AIR  MAIL.

                                                                  305  Broadway,
                                                                  QUANTICO, Virginia.USA

                Air  mail  c.over  from  R.L.  Razze-tte,  Marine  Detachment,
               Portland  Bight  ~o  Qua~ticoJ  Vi~ginia,  U.3.A.  bearing

                M- tlSM  1B  ciater  o£  the  18th  'J"une,  194 2,  wlti_ch  is  struck
                i n,  blue__iltk.     T.h-e.  cover-als_o  bear~  U. S.  Nav-al  Cen.sor

               nandsiamp  M-USNC  2,  Type  (ii) ,  also  struck  in blue  ink,
                and  the  reverse  bears  Quantico  receiving dater  of the
                22.nd  :rune,  194 2.

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