Page 34 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 34

                            U.  S.  NAVY  AND  MARINE  CORPS  QEN_SORSMIP
                                      HANDSTAMPS  ANn  POSTMARKS~
                                           Fosier  - M-USM  lA~

                     In  this  sub-group  there  is no  wording  between  -the  -three
               obliterator bars  to the  right  of  ~ne dater.
               EI<l>:   19/7/ 1<9,41.                             LKD:      21/8/!941

                J .  Bens on  Esq .
                98  TJpstre~t Way .
                Rarpen de n .
                 England .

               Commercial  eover  trom  Portland ~igbt to  Harpenden,  ong1ana

              bei~ franlted  at 6c,  the  U .S.A.  surface mail  rate  :for
              forei~n eoun~ries for  a  le~~er of  up  to  two  ounces.                      The
              stamps  are  oancelled  by M-USM  lA  da1ed  ihe  30ih ~uly,  1941,

              and  it is  e~remely rare to  find  boih  a  none  patriotic  cover
              and  one  which  is not ~o tbe u.s.A.
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