Page 29 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 29

                            tJ.  S.  tfAVY  AN.D  MARINE  CORPS  CENSORSHIP
                                      HANDSTAMPS  AND  POSTMARKS.
                                           Foster  - M-USM  1.

                   Reference has  been  •ade  earlier  to  the  Marine  De~a~hment
              at Poriland  Bight,  which  was  e~ablished from  the  15th March,
              1941 .     Ho\llever,  ihis uni-t  did  not  receive  its own  date  s-\amE

             until  the  18~h duly,  1941,  which  consisted  of  a  single
              circle dater 34  mm  in diameier  with  three  ebli~raiing bars

              on  the right hand  side.
                    There  are  three  stages  of  this  dater recordea,  but al1
              have  the  wording  ''MAR.  D"&.  PORTLAND  BI GHT/J"AMAI CA  ER"

              in the  circle and  ~he date  in  three  lines.
                     As  previous~y ~entioned most  of  ihe  mail  recorded  is

              ot  a  philatelic  nature  and  there  are  three  variants  o~
              M-USM  1.        The  dates  referred  to  below  are  overall  dates
              for  the  three sub-groups.

              EKD:     18/7/ 1941.                               LKD:     23/2/1943
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