Page 30 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 30

                          U. S.  NAYY  AND  MA"R.INE  CORPS  CENSORSHIP
                                   HAN~STAMPS AND  ~OSTMARKS.
                                         Fosier-M-USM  1.
                     The  firs~ of  {he  Marine's  d~ters is  ~hat having  the

             words,  "PlRST  DAY"  and         11 CANCEL"  beiween  -the  ob~iterabng
             bars  ~o the  right of the  dater.                 Nosi  of the  covers

              recorded  are  ~~~imbels"  Pa-triotic  envelope.s,  and  na-tural.J.y.
              all M-USM  1  date~s have  the  same  date,  the  18th  July,  1941.

          3 R  1TS  Of ~REEDOM                                          G i m b~ l ' s  Stsmp  Club,
           A  FREE  AMERICA                             623
                                                                        Gi mbel  Brothers,
                                                                        New  York,  N.Y.

             A  cambels ',;ic  cover  posted  Oh  -the  'Firs-t ])ay  ancl

             bearing  M-USM  l .          T'he  cover  does  no-t  appear  to  have  been
             censored,  probably  because  of  its  obvious  philatelic  hature.
             Indeed,  it is more  than  probable  tha-t  after  -the  dater  was

             applied  at  the  Marine  Post  Office  at Portland  Bight,  the
             cover  was  handed  back  ~o tne  sender .
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