Page 26 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 26

                             U.S.  NAVY  AND  MAAINB  CORPS  CENSORS~IP

                                      HANDSTAMPS  At-tD  POS'IMARKS.
                                         Poster- M-USN  6  (i).
               T.Ype  ( i )'  of  M-USN  6  is  the  state  of this handstatnp  when.

               struck .i.n blue.
               EKD:        9/4/1941                                  LKD:       7/5/1942

               \N.  E.  PO\NELL &  CO.,                  1

                        •   t   .. .
                 R  No 0215

                 Local  regis-tered  cover  addressed  to the  Commanding Officer

                 of'  the  Marine  Detachment  bearing  Half'  Way  TTee  double  circle
                 dater  o£  the  9th  April,  1941.              ~he cover  also  bears
                 censorship handstamps  M-USNC  2(i)  and  M-USNC  4(i),  ~oge~her

                 with  M-USN  6(i)  and  M-USPS  1.                 It will be  noted  that
                 the  date  of  ~he Prederick  Snare  Corporation's  receiving
                 handstamp  is the  same  day  of  posting,  again  confirming  that

                 these  markings  mus-t  have  been  a,pplied  within  -the  island .
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