Page 28 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 28

                         U.S .  RAVY  A~D MARINE  CORPS  CENSORSHIP
    •   1
                                  ~ANDSTAMPS AND  FOSTMARKS~
    •  J
                                      ~os~e~ - M-USN  7-

              This  b\ar}<ing  coqp:rises a  21~rtflldiame.ter  single.  l'rlachine
          dater,  reading  "0. s .  NAvY- at ihe  top  and  "BR.  15607' at
          -the  bottom  in Zntnt  sans se~if iypct..            To  the  .right  a.ppea~$

          " NAYA\1/0P.S~!rJoH. .:BAS~~  itt  ~nun sans  sek'if type,  within  a
          three  side. cl  single  line frante.~  20 x  ?>3~,  with  seven bar.s
          .Co  i:  e.  right.

              This  tJ\arldhg is said  -l:o  have  'been  u.aed  on  ff!<ail  fro,.-t  the
          w .. s.  rta1Jial  base  reta.ine.d  in J'amaica af~e.r the.  t~ar  - sot~e o£

          ·t'he  "bases  were- t2o't  relinquished  ~ntil 'Decem"be.r,  1950.

                                               1  .

            Co~r t o  East tiverpoo1.,  obio,  £ranked  by  both  J"a\11a:icatt

            and  u , s.  StallJps  tranke.d  by  M-IJSN  7  daiex- o.f  ·t'he  26th  Hsrcb,
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