Page 25 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 25

                            U. S.  NAVY  AND  MARJNE  CORPS  CENSQRSHIP
                                     HANDSTAMPS  AND  POSTMARKS.

                                          Poste  - M-USN         6.

                      This  handstamp  is  in ihe  nature  o-.f  a.  Naval  :Postal

               Direction  hZ9nd stamp,  consisting  o:£"  the  words,  "COVERED  BY",
               35  mm  x  4  mm  and,  "K 1 Net /PO  • . .  NY/PO  . .. " ,  4 6  mm  ~ ?  rnl'l1_,  a 11
               the  type  being  block  serif type.               The  whole  is  enclosed  by

               a  single  line  frame,  50  mm  x  18  mm,  and  --the  ha.nds-ta,mp  is
               known  struck  in both  blue  and  purple.

                      It is believed  tbat  -\:his  tnar_k  was  applied  to  i11dicate
               whether  th.e  mai~ was  to  go  to  the  Kingston  q. P. 0.  :for

               transmission  as  iniernal  rnail  within  the  island  or  -to  the
               New  York  ~.P . O.  as  overseas  mail.             The  hahdstamp  has  been
               seen  on  both  types  of  mail,  and  as  it was  in use  prior  to

               the  arrival  of  either  the  "Pleet "Pos-t  Office  or  -the  Naval
               Post  Office  at ~amaica,  it is assumed  that it was  applierl
               at  the  Marine  Post  O££ice,  Portland Bight  and/or  by  ~he

                rasiden-t  naval  officer  at -the  Prederick  Corporation 's
                       'the  wording  of  the  ha.ndstamp  is  interes"ti~,  as  i-t has

               oeen  assu~ed ihat  all  the  mail  ~rom Uni{ed  Staies  personnel
                went  to  either  New  York  or ~anama,  bui  clearly~  ~he

                han.ds-bamp  makes  no  provision  for  a  des-ti.gna.tion.
                Perhaps  all  mail  from  "Jamaica  went  to  .New  Y.ork,  wi-th  the
                mail  from  other  Caribbean  islands  going  to Pana~a.                     Ii

                should  be  added  that  so  far  none  of  tne bandstamps  seen
                have  shown  which  alterhative  ~. P . O.  the  cover  was  i.n-\:endea
                1:o  ·be  sent  to  :for  transmission.
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