Page 20 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 20

                         U.S.  NAVY  AND  MARINE  CORPS  CENSORSHIP
                                  HANDS7AMPS  A~b POSTMARKS.

                                       Poster  - M-USN  1.

                  This  daier  is  -the  gen_eral  iype  of  dater  issued  to  -the
            u.s.  Navy  consisting  of  the  letters  "U. S.             11   at -the  top  anc1
             the  word  "Navy''  at.  the  bottom.            The  whole  is  enclosed  by
             a  single  line  circle,  '4 mm  in diameter,  and  to  the  right

             o£  the  dater  are  three  obli1era-tor  bars)  ~0-34 mm  x  2  mm.
             The  cen.-l:.r.e  of  the  dater  comprises  a  four  line  set  of  plugs,

             showing  -bhe  abbrevia-ted  mon-th  in  three  letters,  the  day,
             the  -time  c~xpressed as  either  ''A,H~'  or  "P . M.  ' )  and  -the  year
             as  a  ~our figure  line.

                   Whils~ -this  d~ier is  of the  general  type,  ii has  been
             recorded  on  mail  from  Jamaica  af~er the  date  of  the  arrival
             of  -the  fleet Post Office  on  -the  island  on  -the  15th  AL1gust,
             1942 ,  and  ~his P .P . O.)  Number  42,  would  have  dealt  with  the

             '0\ail.       subsequently t  a. Naval  'Post  Office  was  established

              on  the  i$land,  on  the  20-t.h  Pebruary,  1943,  but this  office
              would  have  neither  postal  daters  nor  censorship hands-tamps,
              al1  mail  bein~ passed  from  1he  N.P.O.  ~o the  P.P.O.

             EKD:       19/9/19A2                                   ~KD~  _25/5/1945
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