Page 17 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 17

                             U.  S.  NAYY  AND  MARINE  GORPS  CENSORSHIP.
                                        HANDSTAMPS  AND  POSTMARKS.

                                            Foster  - M-USNC  4·
                   The  Fourth  type  o£  censorship  handstamp  recorded  consists
              o:f  the  words  "VERIFIED  USlf"  in  sans  serif prin-ting  ;  nun  high

             contained  in  a  frame  35  mm  x  11  mm.             Ii is known  struck  in
             both  purple  and  blue  ink,  and  was  probably  applied  t o  show
             the letter  had  been  censored,  as  so  far  it has  only  been

              recorded  toge-ther  wiih  M-USNC  2,  or  other  censor
              It would  appear  io  have  been  applied  in ~amaica ss  it appears

              on  internal  mail  and  could  have  been  applied  at Unii  level.
             BKD:      ll/3/1941                            L.KD 1     20/ 4/194C.
                                            Pos-ter  - M-USNC  4 .

                                                  Type  (i)
             Type  (i)  of  M-USNC  4,  is  the  state  o£  this handstamp  when

              struck  in purple.
              EKD:     11/3/1941                            LI<D:

                                             Poster  - M-USNC 4·

                                                   Type  ( ii)
              Type  (ii)  of  M-USNC  4,  is  the  state  of  this  handstamp  when
              st.l"uck  in  blue .

              EKD;     17/11/1941                            LKD:      14/4/1942
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