Page 16 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 16

                            U. S.  NAVY  AND  MARINE  CORPS  CENSORSHIP

                                     HANDS7AMPS  AND  POSTMARKS.
                                       Poster  - M-USNC  3  (i)

                       AFTER  S  DAYS  RETURN  TO

               Air  mail  co¥er  ~rom Quan~ico to  Poriland Bight  with  Quantico
               machine  daier  of ihe  8th  March,  1942.                  The  cover  bears
               M-US~O 3  ( i),  tGge{her  with  M -USNC  2  ( i i i) ,  Clnd  M -USI'(C  4

               (ii)  censorship  ha:nclstamps.              It also  bears  directiona1"
               handsiatn.p,  M-U9N  6  (ii)  and  be~ore leaving il:,e  United  s-tates

               the  cover  was  examined  by  -the  U. S.  Censorship  Service  and
               bears  M-PCL  llB,.  Number  442.9-.
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