Page 18 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 18

                            U.S.  NAVY  AND  MAElNE  CORPS  CENSORSHIP

                                     HANDSTAMPS  A~ POSTMARKS.
                                        Foster - M-USNC  4(i) .

            J\ ~ ~- ~4o f . 1~-;:_'r W.'i\.uJ
                 EASTERN  CAROLINA'S  NEWEST AND i=INESTlt)~ . ~·.
                                                                    ~"'::--....... H.,.
                       COMPLETELY  AIR-CONDITIONED

               THE NEW RIC KS I-JOT

                     W.  A .  MEADOW S,  L 1!88t:I!· M ANAGEA

                Air  mail  cover  from  Rocky  Mount,  ~orth Carolina~  to  Fortlaftd
                Bight  bearing Rocky  Mount  single  circle  da-\:er  of  the  23rq

                J'uly,  194.1 .      Tb e  cover  bears  M-USNC  4( i)  -together  with

                 censorship  nand stamp  M-USNC  2 ( i)  ~nd  -the  reverse  o:f  the
                 cover  bears  -\:he  F'reder ick  Snare  Corpora-lion  hands-tamp,
                 M-USFS  l.
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