Page 35 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 35

                            \J.S.  t.IA:J'f  ANO  MAB!NE  CO"RP-S  CENSORSHIP
                                     HANPS1AMPS  AND  POSTMARKS.

                                           Foster-H-USM  lB .

              U. S. MARINE DETA CHMENT
             Portland Bight, Jamaica., B. W . I.

                Cover  fro~ Portla~d Bight  Ma~ine Detachment  bearing
                N-USH  lB  da~e~ of  ihe  16th  Februa~y,  1 942,  to  Dev~n.

               The  covex  bears  printed  deiails  o£  ihe  locaiion  of ihe
               Ma-rine;  ahd  u.s.  Naval  censorslti,P  handstatnp

                ~USNC 2,  Type  (1i)  and  United  Kingdom  "Crown/:PASSED/
               E._ 149"  censorsl-t:i.P  "handstamp .

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