Page 40 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 40

                                         U.~ .  MARJNE  CORPS  .trnD
                                         OTHER  UNIT  liANDSTAMPS.

                      To  date  the  only  strict  unit hand stamps  recor ded  are
               those  in  respect  of  the  Marine  'Detachment  at Portland
               Bighi,  these  handstamps  being  designated  M-USMU~                      There

               are  included  under  this  heading,  however,  the  handstamps
               used  by  -the  Frede:dck  Snare  Corporation  as  the  Marine ' s

               mail  passed  ~hrou~h that Corporation's  Offices  at Kingston
               rec~ivili~ these  markings .             These  latter handstamps nave
               been  designated  M-USFs".

                                           Poster  - M-USMU  1.
                       The  first  of  the  unit handstamps  to be  considered  is
              the  one  worded,  "U.S.  NAVAL  AIR  STATION./LITTLE  ~OA'r ISLAND/

              'JAMAICA  B. W. I.   11  ,  in  threeL ines  of  sans  serif  type,  4  mm
              big_h.       The  whole  is enclosed  in  a  single  line  frame,  98  mm

              x  25  mm,  and  is  recorded  struck  in  both  blue  and  purple ,
               thus  giving  rise  to  the  two  sub-ty~es.
                       This handstarnp  has  been  given a  "Marine"  designation

              as  it was  in  use  on  the  i  slana  at  a  -hme  when  it is  known
              there  were  no  naval  personnel  i~  ~amaica.

                                            Foster - M-USMU  1.
                                                   Type  (i)
                       Type  (i)  of  this handstamp  is  its  state  when  struck

               i n_ bll.le.
                          19/3/1941                                LKll:  5/4/1942.

                                            Poster  - M-USMU  1.
                                                  Type  Ui)
                       Type  (ii)  of  this handstamp  is its  state  wheh  struck

               ilL purple.
               BK~ :      27/471942                                LI<D:    7/5/1942.
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