Page 43 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 43

                                         U.S.  MARINE  CORPS  AND
                                         OTHER  UNIT  HANDSTAMPS .
                                            Fosier  - M-USMU  2.

                    T-his  is  of  the  American  Clock  Face"  type,  tbe
               outer  :face  of'  the  clock  being  26  mm  in  miameter,  -the  clock

               having  a  movable  pointer  to  indicate  the  time  of  receipt.
               Above  the  clock  is the  daie  line,  in a  mixture  of type  and

               below  -the  word  RECE!VED"  in  sans  serif -type,  40 mm  x  6  tnm.
               This  handstamp has  only  been  :recorded  struck  in  pur.Ple .
                     It is believed  iha~ this handstamp  was  used  at  the

               Marine's  base  as  a  receiving  dater .,  as  a  cover _has  been  seen
               posted  at Kingston  on  the  2-3rd  April,  1942,  and bearing

               t-1-USMU  receiver  o:f  the  30th  April,  1942.              t.rhis  would  be
                an  unusua~ly long __J2_eriod  ft)r  a  local  delivery,  hut  probably
               not  for  ~ransmi~sion to  the  base,  and  tn  any  event  the
               Kingsion Office  of  the_Frederick  Snare  Corporation,  ~hrough

               wnich  the  Marine's  mail  is believed  to  nave  been  -transmitted,
               had  its  own  -hype  o:f  receiver,  M-USPS  ~-

               EKD:     27 /All-942                                 LKD~      30/4/1942
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