Page 42 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 42

                                      U ~_s.  M.ABlNE  CORPS  AND
                                      O'THER  UN IT_HANJ>STAMPS.
                                        t:osiel"  - M -US HU 1.

                                            Type  (ii).


                       \  )


               Local  comllercial  c.ove_~roltZ Bin.gston  i-o  the  united  States
               Navy  Auditor,  ~at Island  Commissary,  ~2 Duke  Stneet,

               Kingston,  franked  at id,  the  stamp  being  cancelled by
               Kine.ston  lnacbine  date.r  of the 7th  May,  1.942.                 It is

               assu~ted -f:hat  \:'be.  lette.r  \lf'as  iranstnitted  by  u.s .  irzternal
               despatch  rider to  ihe  base  where  it received  M-USMU  1,
               ~ype  (ii)  sirqck  in  pur ple  ink .             rt also beaxs  u.s.
               naval direction bandsiamp,  USN  6,  TYpe  (i)  struck  in  bl~e
               and  M-Us~u 3,  struck  in purple  ink dated  the 8th Maf,

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