Page 50 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 50

                                          U. S.  MARINE  CORPS  AND
                                          OTHER  UNIT  HANDSTAMPS.

                                            Foster - M-usrs  3.
                                                 Type  ( i).

                                                  APR 171942

               Cove:r  from  t::ingston  bearing  Kingston  tnachi ne  dater  of the
               loth  April 1  1942,  bearing  on  the  rev~rse M-USFS  3  (i)

               receiving  dater  of  ~be 17th  April~  1942.                  Sent  by  second
               class  post,  the  cover  nas  probably  been  re-directed  io  the
               Xingston  Office;  as  ine  cover  also  bears  on  the  observe
               Old  Harbour  ~ay oaier  of  ~ne 13th Ap~il, -r942.
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