Page 49 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 49

                                      U. S.  MARINE  CORPS _AND
                                       OTHER  UNIT  HAJ:-lDSTAJ1:PS.
                                          rosier  - M-USFS  3.

                    This  handstamp  is  similar  to M-USMU  2,  being  of  the
             "American  Clock  Face"  :type,  -the  outer  face  of  the  clock

             being  26  mm  in.  diameter  a.nd.  the  d.ate  line  above  also  being
             in a  mixture  of  type.          :Below  the  cl.ock  face  is the  wording
             "SR.  ADMJNIS'l'RATIYE  ASST./NOy  4162  - (JA)  KINGSTON/U.S.  NAYY'                  1  ,

             in three  lines  of  serif type,  2!  mm  high.
                    It is  believed  that  this  was  used  as  a  furthe:r

             receiving  dater  at ~he Frederick  Snare  Corporation's  Offices,
             and  was  probably  the  successor"  handstamp  to  M-USFS  l.
             The  former  handstamp,  M-USFS  l,bas  not  been  recorded  after

             1941,  but  it is known  that  once  the  construction  of  the
             naval  base  was  completed  and  the  main  work  force  had  left
             Jamaica,  ihe  Corporation's Offices  remained  operational  at

             Xingston.          In  accordance  with  normal  procedure,  ihe  Office
             would  be  for  the  use  of  the  Corporation s  Clerk  o~ Works  and
             his  staff,  who  no  doubt  would  remain  to  supervise  the

             contract  works  durihg the  maintenance  period  under  -the
             Corrtract .        This  view  is  5\.lpported  by  the  "civilian''  rather

             than  -the  '-naval"  wording  of  '~5R. (Senior)  ADMINIS'rRATIVE
             ASST.  (Assistan-t)" ,  -together  with  the  Corpora1:.ions  naval
             contract  reference  below  thi5  wording.

                    The  handstamp has been  recorded  struck  in  both  pDrple
             a~a bl~e,  thus  giving  rise  to  the  two  sub-iypes,

                                  foster  -:- H..-U-SPS  3,  'l'Y~Pe ( i)
                   This  is  the  state  of. the  handstamp  when  struck  in  purple.

             EKD:     17/4/19.42.                                   LKD:
                                   Foster  - M-USFS  3,  Type  (ii)
                   This  is  ~he state  o£ the  handstamp  when  struck  in blue.

             IJ<D:    18/4/1942..                                  LlCD:
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