Page 51 - Sutclifffe-APD_USNavy
P. 51

                          U ._S.  NAVY  AND  t1ARlNE  CORPS  CENSORSHIP
                                  ~AN~STAMES AND  POSTMARKS.
                                        Foster  - M-USMR  1.

                 Th~s da±er-is  the  Marine  Post  Office  registration dater
            consisting  ot  ~ double  lined  circl~,  2.8  mm  and  18  llltn  in

            diameter.          At  the  top  appear  -the  words,  "MAR.  D"ET.
          J ORTJl.AND  B!R:Wr  J"AM1\:tCA  :BR"  and  at  the  boitotn,  "REGIS'rP.RED'  ,
            all  the  wording  being  in  sans  serif  -type,  ?  mm  high.                 trhe

            centre  consists  of  a  three  line  set  of  plugs,  sFlowing  the
            abbreviated  month  in -th.ree  letters,  the  day  and  the  ear  as
            a  four  figure  line.

            EK'D:                                                  LKD:       18/ 6/ 194£_

             Card  bearing  M-USMR  1  dater  of  the  18th J"une>  1.942,  struck
             in  purple,  whicb  is  probably  a  grace  and  favour  strike.

             The  card  also  bears  M-USM  lB clater  o:f  the  same  date,  also
             likely  to  be  a.  gra·oe  and  favour  strike  as  it is  also  struck
             in  purQle.
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