Page 47 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 47

                                                   The  Postal  Ce nsorship  Service .

                  PCL  8.   PC  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  0/
                     In  the  PCL  8  type  of  lab e l  the  Examiner' s  number  i s  printed  on  t he  label,  the  label
                 being  in  the  s ame  general  format  as  earlie r  examples.     Here  the  PC  90  notation  is
                  2~ x  12mm;  OPENED  BY  is  9  x  74mm  in  thick  block  serif  type  and  EXAMINER  appears  on  the
                  next  line  in  thinner  block  serif  type,  6  x  46mm.   On  the  last  line  is  "D"  i n  thick  seri f
                  type,  9mm  high,  with  a  thin  "/" ,  followed  by  a  printed  number  also  in  9mm  high  type.
                 The  following  numbers  are  recorded : - 1260,  3594,  5717 ,  8803,  8804 ,  8805,  8807 ,  8809 ,
                  8810 ,  8813 ,  8814 ,  8819 ,  8821 ,  8823 ,  882 4,  8826 ,  8828 ,  8829 ,  and  8830 ,

                     Intercepted  air  mail  cover  from  Quito,  Ecuador  to  the  U. S .A. ,  wi th  Quito  dater  of
                  the  18th  Januar y ,  1942  with  PCL  8  label  which  is  handstamped  on  the  reverse  with  the
                 date  1 9th  Janua ry,  1942 .

                                                Mr. Vioent~ Gonzale~
                                                30  East  l a·"·.,
                                                lfew-York. -

                     Intercepted  a ir mail  cover  from  Venezuela  to  the  U. S . A.,  the  cover  bears  Cuidad
                  Boliver  dater  of  the  12'h  February,  1942  a nd  Denver  receiving  dater  of  the  16th
                  February,  1942.    The  cover  bears  PCL  8,  Number  8805  which  is  handstamped  on  the
                  reverese  with  the  date  13~ February,  1942.
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