Page 42 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 42

                                        The  Postal  Censorsh ip  Service .

      PCL  7C .   P . C.  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D. /

          Cover  from  Kingston  to  England  franked  at  2d  with  Kingston  dater  of  the  30~h  June ,
      1943  which  bears  PCL  7C  label  Numbered  8803  in  blue  ink,

                           Aleo  Bldel' ••q                                                           z
                     c/ o  -·•· GlUeapte  Bro••  •  Oe • .,  Lid.,                                    ::0

                                     a, Peuahvoh Str••.,_                                             .
                                                                                 .., ....
                                                           r..~•,  w.  a.  •·                         ~

                       R.  S.  GAMBLE  &  SON,
                                       .JAMAICA,  B.W.I.

           Air  mail  cover  from  Kingston  to  the  U. S .A. ,  franked  at  1/-,  with  Kingston  dater  of
       the  lOth  July,  but  with  t he  year  omi tted  - probably  1943 .   The  cover  bears  PLC  7C
       labe l  and  Numbered  8804  in  blue  ink .

                          M  CECIL  B.  FACEY  LTD.
                                168  HARBOUR  STREET
                                       KINGSTON,  JA.

                 0                                                                                           ~
                                  Uessr~.    ~ohn Powell  Export  Corp. ,
                  L1J                            114,  East  32nd.  Street,                                   ~
                  z                                                          U.  S.  A
                  ~                                           NE'.l  YORK,
                  c::(                                                                                        ~
                                                                                    CORREO AEREO ~
                                                    VIA AIR MAIL
                            , ,                                                           , , ,_             ~
                            R  AVION
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