Page 46 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 46

                                         The  Postal  Censorspip  Service.

       PCL  7E.   P. C.  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D/

           In  this  type  of  the  PCL  7  label  the  P . C.  90  notation  is  3  x  8mm  in  serif  type  with
       periods ;  OPENED  BY  is  in  thick  block  serif  type,  9  x  74mm;  EXAMINED  D/  is  9  x  Slmm  in
       block  sans  serif  type  with  a  normal  "M"  and  there  is  no  per i od  between  the  "D"  and  " / ".
       The  Examiner's  number  is  added  to  t he  label  b y  handstamp  struck  in  blue  ink,  the
       figures  being  4mm  high.    To  date  only  the  number  8824  ha  been  recorded .

           Registe red  air  mail  cover  f rom  Ki ngston  to  England,  franked  at  2/Sd,  with  Kingston
       registration  dater  of  the  19"h  September ,  194 4.    The  label  is  Numbered  8824  i n  blue  ink.

                                     ,. -- , JIB(-- .._,
                          •         1e                              -.                                            ..
                          C'il      JA:\1AICA  BANANA  PRODUCERS'  ASSOC.
                          (()                         LIMI TE D~~~==~
                                    R  AIR  MAIL,       HEAD OFFICE:
                         .QC)                             64 HARBOUR  S T REI
                                                            K I N GST O N ,  .J/
                      ~ ~                                             e.w.
                                                           o.  H.Keeling- Esq.,
                       ......                                   The  Jamaica  Produoera  Marketing      eo.  Ltd.
                                                                       A.ldine .Houa e,
                       -                                           ~•.  '.-~  10/}3 Bedford  Street,
                       a                                           -~" ~       1 london,  w.c.  2,

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