Page 50 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 50

                                                       The  Postal  Cens o r ship  Service .

                     PCL  8 .   PC  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMI NER  0/

                         Int e rcepted  air  mail  cover  from  Caracas ,  Venezue la  to  the  U.S.A.  with  Caraca s  air
                     mail  dater  of  the  1 0~h  April,  1942 .   The  cover  bears  PCL  8  label  Number  8830  which  is
                     dated  the  12th  April ,  1942  by  a  handstamp  struck  in  p urple  ink .

                                                                                        . .ill&

                                                    CENTRO  QUIMICO
                                                     APARTADO  767
                                                   CARAC AS- VENEZUELA

                                                        via  aer ea.

                        Air  mail  cover  f rom  Port  Au  Prince ,  Haiti   to  Kingston  be aring  PCL  8  l abel
                     Number  1260  but  there  are  no  Jamaica  receiving  daters .

                                     :sT INDIA OIL COMPANY,  S .  A.
                                          P ORT-AU-PRINCE,  HAITI

                                                          Mr.  N.  K.  Melhado
                                                          West  India  Oil  Co. ,  S.A.
                                                          P.  0 .  Box  244
                                                          Kingston,  Jca .  {B.T'1. I. )       '
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