Page 51 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 51

                                          The  Postal  Censorship  Service .

         PCL  8.   PC  90/0PENED  BY/ EXAMINER  D/

            Registered  air  mail  c o ver  from  Green  Island  to  the  U. S . A.,  franked  on  the  reverse
        at  l/3d  with  Ma rch  Town  a nd  Green  Island  date rs  both  o f  the  4 ~ J a nuary  but  with  the
        year  plugs  omitted,  but  the  year  being  1943 .    The  reverse  also  bears  New  York  and
        Bingham  Town  daters  o f  the  l Oth  a nd  11th  January,  1943,  respectively.   The  cover  bears
        PCL  8,  Number  8807 .

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          Air  mail  cover  from  t he  U. S . A.  to  Montego  Bay,  with  Boston  dater  of  the  29~
       Januar y ,  1943,  the  Montego  Bay  rece iving  dater  on  the  r e verse  being  illegible.
       The  cover  bears  PCL  8  label  with  Number  8823 .

                         ,  ( . o' F'laherty
                           1 ~5  Newbury  St .
      ~ ~                  ~oston,  Mass .
      ~ CQ             .

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        ~ <( ~                                              Wm .  Bross  Lloyd,  Esq.,
       g:rs~ ,                                              Montego  Bay,

       0                                                    Jamaica ,  British West  Indies .
   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56