Page 48 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 48

                                                 The  Postal  Censorship  Service.

                PCL  8 .   PC  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D/

                                                                     u. s .. .

                   Intercepted  air  mail  cover  from  Caracas,  Venezuela  to  the  U. S . A.  bearing  PCL  8
               label  Number  8828  which  bears  on  the  reverse  the  handstruck  date  22nd  March,  1942

                                    SSO f. & SOSA  MARTIMEZ Suer.
                                        Apartado de Correos  975
                                     TELEFONO  N o        4269
                                            VE NEZUEL A

                                                                  Pyre ne  Mf g .  C2 .,
                                                                  560  Belmont  Av . ,
                                                                 Newar k ,  N. J .  USA

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