Page 44 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 44

                                         The  Postal  Censors hip  Service.

       PCL  7C.   P . C.  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D./

           I n  the  case  of  this  group  the  labels  are  identical  to  PCL  7C  but  the  Examiner's
       numbers  are  handstamped  in  purple  ink,  4mm  high .     The  numbers  rec orde d  are ; -  848,
       6383,  8809,  8810,  8835 ,  8838  and  8839 .
       EKD:  28  August  1943                                    LKD:  June  1944

           Registered  cover  from  Frame  to  the  U.S.A.,  franked  on  the  reverse  at  11d,  with
       Frame  dater  of  the  11th  November,  with  the  date  omitted  but  the  U.S . A,  daters  on  the
       reverse  confirm  that  it was  1943 .    The  label  is  Numbered  8839  in  purple  ink.

                                                                        R  No 3770

                                                        ~ ~~

                      -                                                           VII I  1$, S.#.

           Ai r  mail  cover  from  Kingston  to  England,  franked  at  2/2d  the  stamps  cancelled  by
       Kingston  dater  of  the  20th  November  with  the  date  omitted,  bur  probably  1943.       The
       l abel  is  Numbered  8838  in  purple  ink .

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           (.j  =           QC
               Q         ...........     Alec B!aer Beq •                                                           I
               ~                          lleeara.  G1lleaple  Broa.  &  Oo.Lt4
                                                  82,  Pen church  Street
               :z        0:::                              London  B.  o.  3                                        I
                                                                  ~l&nd .
               ~  :E
                         <(      {.  S.  GAMBLE  &  SON,                                                            I
               ~  ><                     KINGSTON,
                                             JAMAICA,  B.W.I.
               0         LLI
   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49