Page 40 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 40

                                                                The  Postal  Cens ors h ip  Service .

                              PCL  7C .   P.C.  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D. /

                                  The  PCL  7C  l abels  are  similar  to  the  PCL  7A  or  PCL  7B  item,  but  the  P.C .  90  is
                              3  x  lSmm  wi th  peri ods  i n  sans  serif  t ype,  OPENED  BY  i s  9  x  74mm  with  a  round  "0;
                              EXAMINER  D./  js  4  x  43  to  45mm  with  a  normal  "M"  and  a  period  after  the  " D."

                                  The  first  group  of  the  PCL  7C  labels  are  those  where  the  Examiner's  number  is
                              added  by  a  handst amped  number  4mm  high  in  blue  i nk .   The  numbers  recorded  are : -
                              848 ,  5662 ,  8803,  8804,  8811,  8824,  8826,  8828  and  8839 .
                              EKD :  30  June  1943                                     LKD :  23  October  1944

                                  Air  mail  cover  from  Kingston  to  England,  franked  at  4/4d,  with  Kingston  dater
                              of  the  27th  August  but  no  year  plugs,  the  year  being  1943  and  with  manuscript
                              Endorsement  "Reed  13  Oct  1943 .    It bears  PCL  7C  with  Number  848 .


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             "'  CQ           (X)
             ~                                                                                                                       'mANS-A
                  Q         C)
                                                        )                                                                            VIA-!
                  ~                                                                                                                      "
                  z         -
                  ~                                         Alec  Elder  Esq. ,
                  c..       ><                                         82,  Fenchurch  Street ,

                  0                    S.  GAMBLE  &  SON,                                 London,  E.  c.  3.

                                            KINGSTON,                                                              Engl and.
                                                JAMAICA,  B.W.J.

                                  Air  mail  cover  from  Montego  Bay  to  the  U.S . A.,  franked  at  8d,  with  Montego  Bay  dater
                               o f  the  5th  May ,  1944 .   It  bears  PCL  7C,  Number  5662 .
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