Page 45 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 45

                                         The  Postal  Censors hip  Service.

       PCL  7C .   P . C.  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D. /
          Air  mail  cove r  from  Kingston  t o  England,  franked  at  8d,  with  Kingston  i ndecipherable
       dater .    The  l abel  i s  Numbered  848  i n  purple  ink .

                                                              ~ -.r-·~

                        THE  BRITISH  BAT A  SHOE  CO.,  LTD.
                                    WEST  INDIES  OFFICE,
                             P.O.  BOX  145,  KI NGSTON  JAMAICA.

                                        Messrs •                            VIA AIR  MAIL
                   0                    Albert  E.  Pr iest & Co.

                                        4,  Vernon  Pl ace ,
                   z                    Southaopt on  Row.,
                   :E                   LONDON  w .c . 1.

       PCL  7D{a) .   P . C.  90/ 0PENED  BY/EXAMI NER  D. /

           The  next  of  t he  PCL  7  labels ,  PCL  7D{a) ,  the  P . C.  90  i s  3~ x  13mm  in  narrow  italic
       type ;  OPENED  BY  is  9  x  74mm  and  EXAMINED  D. /  is  4  x  43mm  bot h  in  serif  type.   The  "M"
       in  EXAMINER  i s  i n  normal  format .   In  t his  type  there  is  a  period  after  the  D.  that
       follows  EXAMINER.      The  Number  recorded  f or  this  s ub-group  is  8826 .   The  PCL  7D  labels
       can  be  divi ded  i nto  two  group s ,  PCL  7D{a )  as  above  and  PCL  7D(b)  where  there  i s  no
       period  a fter  t he  D  t hat  follows  EXAMINER .

  Q)  ~ (0
  ~  CQ           N
  ~               tO
       0         ·--
        LIJ       0::
        z         LLI                                 Kessrs  William  Neilson  Ltd.
                                                                277  Gladstone  Avenue,
        LIJ       :E      ~NVILLE DE  LEON                            Tor ont o.  ant.
                                   OCAI..CA  tN
                            FEE,  COCOA,  PIMENTO.  WAX,
        Q..        ><      RSAPARILLA  AND  GOAT  SKINS
                           ANNATTO,  GINGER.  HONEY,
        0                  0   PRINCESS  STREET
                           K INGSTON,  JAMAICA,  B.W.I.
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