Page 49 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 49

                                                 The  Postal  Cen sorship  Service.

               PCL  8 .   PC  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D/

                   Intercepted  air  mail  cover  from  Caracas ,  Venezue la  to  the  U. S . A.  with  Caracas  air
               mail dater  of  the  25 Lh  March,  1942 .   The  cover  b ears  PCL  8  label  Number  8819  which  i s
               dated  the  27~h March,  1942  by  a  handstamp  struck  in  purple  ink .

                   Intercepted  a ir mail  cover  from  Caracas,  Venezuela  to  the  U. S . A.  bearing  PCL  8
                label  Number  8810  which  bears  on  the  reverse  the  handstruck  date  27nd  March,  1942 .

                                            Por  Avi6n

                                      Remington  Rand  Inc.,
                                      Adding-Accounting  Machine  Division,
                                      465  Washington  Street,

                                      B  u  f      f   a  1  o  ,      New  York.



                                                T  RA  0  IN G     CO.
                                                                           CARACAS·  VENEZUELA·  APARTAOO  SS3
   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54