Page 52 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 52

                                         The  Postal  Censors hip  Service.

        PCL  8.   PC  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D/

           Intercepted  air  mail  cover  from  Barranquillita,  Colombia  to  the  U.S . A.,  Barranquillita
       dater  of  the  3~d  December,  1941 .   The  reverse  also  bears  Miami  and  New  York  daters  of  t he
        6~ and  7~ December,  1943,  respectivel y.       The  cover  bears  PCL  8 ,  Number  5717

                                                      ERNESTO  GARCES.
                                                            COMPRA  DE  PIELES
                                                       REPRESENTACIONES  Y  COMISIONES
                                                              EDIFICIO  DEMARES

                                                          AGRI CULTURAL  Clili'  CO

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