Page 38 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 38

                                       The  Postal  Censorship  Servi ce.

      PCL  7B .   P.C .  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D. /  {with  printed  number}

         This  label  is  a  PCL  7B  item  but  the  Examiner's  number  has  been  printed  on  the  label
      in  the  course  of  manufacture ,  3mm  high  a lso  in  black  sans  seri f  type.   To  date  only
      the  Number  8826  has  been  recorded  but  others  also  exist.
      EKD:  6  January  1944                                    LKD :  25  May  1944

         Air  ma il  cover  from  Toronto,  Canada  to  Kingston,  with  Toronto  dater  o f  the  1 4th  March ,
      1944 ,  but  there  are  no  receiving  daters.   The  cover  bears  PCL  7B  label  with  the  Number
      8826  printed  on  the  label.

                            454 UNIVS:RSITY AVflNU!


                                                 :Messrs .  J .  Wr ay  &  Nephew Limited,
                                                 24  Port Royal  Street,
                                                 Ki ngston,  Jamaica ,
                                                 B.  1\-.  I .
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