Page 33 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 33

                                        The  Postal  Censorship  Service .

      PCL  7B .   P . C .  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D./.
          Regi stered  ai r  mail  from  the  State  Merchant  Marine  Department  of  Argentine  to  Port
      Royal  with  Interior  registration  label  for  overseas  post  together  with  Buenos  Aires
      dater  of  the  10~ August,  1944.     The  reverse  bears  Kingston  registration  dater  of  the
      21sc  August,  1944 .   The  cover  bears  Canal  Zone  Censorship  label,  Numbered  56070  and
      PCL  7B  label  which  is  Numbered  5662  i n  blue  ink .

                              REPUBLICA  ARGENTINA
                           MINISTERIO  DE  MARINA
                              ADWIN19TRACIDN  GENERAL
                                     Ot  l A
                          A  MERCANTE  DEL  ESTADO                                                     >
                                   CERTIFIQADA                                                         -
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                       . ~~  Senores                                                                  -

                                              R. S.  GAMBLE & bON

                                                           P  0  R  T      R  o· y  A L

                                                                              m a.  'WM£ m

          Registered  air  mail  cover  from  Kingston  to  London  with  Kingston  registration  dater
       of  the  21st  August ,  with  the  year  omi tted  but  believed  to  be  1944 .   It  also  bears
       PCL  7B  label  which  is  Numbered  8838  in  blue  ink.
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