Page 31 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 31

                                         The  Postal  Censorship  Service .

       PCL  7B .   P.C.  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D./.
          In  the  case  of  t hese  label s  the  P, C.  90  is  3  x  15rnm  wi th  periods  and  is  in  sans  seri f
       type ;  OPENED  BY  i s  9~ x  84rnm  in  lar ge  serif  type  with  a  round  "0"  and  EXAMINED  D. /  i s
       3~ x  38rnm  with  a  s played  "M"  and  a  peri od  after  the  "D."  also  in  sans  serif  type.

          The  f irst  g r oup  o f  PCL  7B  labels  are  where  an  Examiner's  i dent i ty  is  shown  by  the
       addition  of  a  4rnm  hi gh  number  in  blue  ink  applied  by  a  dati ng  handstamp  to  the  label
       The  numbers  recorded  are:-     5 48,  4576,  6416,  5662 ,  8803,  8805,  8806,  8803 ,  8805,  8809,
       8810,  8811 ,  8817,  8824,  8826,  8830,  8832 ,  8833,  8838,  8839 ,  8844,  8847  and  8849 .
       EKD :  4  March  1943                                     LKD:  16  December  1944

          Air  mail  from  Port  of  Spain,  Trinidad  to  Constant  Spring  with  on  t he  reverse  the
       Trinidad  Censorship  marking  " IC  TRI "  and  Constant  Spring  recei v i ng  dater  o f  t he  22nd
       July,  1944.   The  cove r  bea rs  PCL  7B  label  which  is  numbered  8803  in  blue  ink .
       0     ~  ... ~                                              r.,   ::\:'

       .Q.,   ~         00
            ~ -       /0  .
            z          ~                                 'Mrs .  R. d •. I'.  Ric~ards ,                          I

            ~  ~                                         La  Tande
                                                         4  Gharlton Rend ,
            ~                                            Constant Sr.ring,                                         I
                     4 X
                                               <.l..d.Wi ..  B . 1i . I ~
            0        ~

           Air  mail  cover  from  Kingston  to  Canada,  franked  at  8d,  the  stamps  are  cancel led  by
       Ki ngston  d a t e r  o f  the  25th  Apri l ,  1944 .   The  cover  bears  PCL  78  with  Number  8839 .


                          ·Messrs.  Orbis  Trading  Co.,Inc.,
              ~                Canada  Cement  BUilding,
              z                       Montreal  P. Q.           ·
              -                             Canada.
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