Page 26 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 26

                                         The  Postal  Censorship  Service.

       PCL  7A{b}     P . C .  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D/

           Air  mail  cover  from  Havana ,  Cuba  to  the  U.S .  Naval  Station  at  Jamaica  with  on  the
       reve rse  Havana  dater  of  the  4w  November ,  19 42  and  Kingston  receiving  dater  of  the  lOth
       Nove mber,  1942 .    The  cover  bears  PCL  7A(b}  together  with  PC  3 ,  Number  17  struck  in
       purple  ink  but  there  are  no  U. S .  censorship  markings  or  unit  handstamps.


           Further  air  mail  cover  f rom  Havana ,  Cuba  to  Kingston  with  Kingston  dater  of  the
        16~h  November,  19 42.   The  cover  bears  PCL  7A{b}  with  PC  3  Number  15  struck  in  purple
        ink.   The  cover  also  bears  Cuban  Censorship  handstamp  struck  in  black  i nkj .

                ST  INDIA  OIL  Co .•  S. A .
                     APART,\00  li:UII.  1370
                        a.&.BA.NA,  CUBA

                             •"'  ,   ...                                                                           '

                                               Mr.  N.  K. MELHADO,  Mngr.

                                               WEST  INDrA  OIL  Co.,  S.  A.
                                              JAMA I CA
   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31