Page 21 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 21

                                       The  Postal  Censorship  Service.

     PCL  7A{ a }   P .C.  90/0PENED  BY/ EXAMINER  D/  wit h  handst amped  number  i n  blue  ink.

         Air mail cover  f rom  Kingston  to  England,  franked  at  6/6d,  cancell ed  by  Kingston
     d ater  o f  t he  25th  June ,  1 943 .   PCL  7A{a }  t o  which  has  been  added  the  printed  Number  8803 .


                                                               Aleo  Bld .. · Baq.,
                                                                       82  Penoharch s treet

                                                                                      L-.dQtl  B.C.'8


         Cover  from  New  Market  to  the  U. S.A.  f ranked  a t  3d,  wit h  New  Market d a ter  of  the  5th  March,
      but  wi t ho ut  year  plugs ,  t he  yea r  beli eved  to  b e  1943 .   The  cover  bears  PCL  7A{a }  to  whi ch
      ha s  been  a dded  t he  printed  Number  3945 .
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