Page 18 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 18

                                        The  Postal  Ce nsorship  Service.
      PCL  7A{a} .   P.C.  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D/  with  handstamped  number  in  blue  ink.

          This  group  of  labels  are  with  a  numbered  handstamped  in  blue  ink .    The  following
      numbers  are  recorded :- 367,  960,  1260,  3945.  4526,  6106,  6383,  8803,  8805 ,  8810,
      8824 ,  8826,  8830,  8838 ,

          Air  mail  cover  from  Kingston  to  the  U.S . A.,  franked  at  1/- .   The  cover  bears
      PCL  7A{ a }  to  which  has  been  added  the  printed  Number  1260.   There  are  no  other
      receiving  marks  on  the  cover.

              0                      -~
              <.0   n~e 3J~Jti4a ijtUnea, ~·
               C\1   -12  it1N6  STREET,  KINGSTON,
                           JAMAICA,  B.W.I.


            -                             Messrs .  American  News  Co.,
                                                  131 Var ick Street,
            :c                                             New  York,

            ~                                                     U.  S.  A.

          Cover  from  the  U. S . A.  to  a  u.s .  marine  in  Jamaica;  it bears  Harrisburgh  slogan
      dater  of  the  29th  March,  1943  with  no  other  daters.    The  cover  bears  PCL  7A{a}  to
      which  has  been  added  the  printed  Number  3945.

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