Page 16 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 16

                                        The  Postal  Censorship  Service .

      PCL  7A{a}     P.C .  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D/  wi th  penci l  or  i nk  number .

          Registered  air  mail  cover  from  Brown's  Hall to  the  U.S. A.,  the  cover  is  franked
      at  1/3d  on  the  reverse  with  Brown's  Hall  dater  of  the  12th  November,  1942.     The  rever se
      also  bears  Old  Harbour  and  Kingston  daters  of  the  13th  November,  1942 .     The  cover  bears
      beari ng  PCL  7A(a}  and  Number  1 8  added  in  blue  pencil.


                        u.J        WN'S HALL
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           Cover  from  Belize,  British  Honduras  t o  Kingston  to  the  U.S . A.,  with  Belize  dater
       of  the  22nd  September ,  1942.   The  cover  bears  PCL  7A(a}  and  Number  28  added  in  blue
       penci l .

         rn        0            ,  NOT DEL.IVEREO  IN  FIVE DAYS
                                      RETURN  T O
         ~                      ROYAL  BANK  OF CANADA            ~
                                 AT POINT OP'  MAILING
         a:                     Messrs.  Bata Shoe  e o
         -         ~  P.o.  Box  145,
                                Kingston,  J a.'
         m         ~            B .W . I .

         c         0

         ~         =~
                        ~::.. n
        ..       . ~ ~

                     ~- -
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