Page 23 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 23

                                         The  Postal  Censorship  Service .

         Cover  from  Ki ngston  to  the  U. S . A.  with  a  meter  mark  cance l lation  franked  at  1/- and
     dated  the  25  June  1 943 .   The  c over  bear  PCL  7A{a}  label  numbered  6106  struck  in  blue  ink .

                               .......   ;,,.~                                                      ><
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                          PER  AI R  M-Al l .   ~!./
                    r. (  E'.5 ~ 01 C~~LED-FOfb i,N  FIY5}{,Y~ ,R.:.TUR~ TO
                      T .  G EODES  GRA NT,  'l.iMITED,                                             i:
                     141  HARBOUR  STREET,  KINGSTON.  JA MAICA.  B.W.I.

                                      Messr s .  Marchant  Calculating  Machine  Co. ,
                                             1475  Powell  St .,
                                                   Oakla.nd,  Calif. ,


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                         A e4?'?S!'21'tn2ti'ilft?F'iC"'ttt?Crnmmnn:=anr::wr-'w"'?Tl"!?'iS'?~*"'P9"""bW·   ~  -__,.---,~

         Ai r  mai l  cover  from  Ki ngston  to  Canada  franked  at  2/- with  indecipherable  Ki ngston
      Dater .   The  cover  bear  PCL  7A{a}  l abel  numbered  8826  struck  in  blue  ink .

                                                                               VIA AIR  MAlt
                                                           Esq . ,

                                     ~~.:.:l~~.~~;_rs .  Lever  Brothers  Ltd .,
                                ~~i§~~,.. ._...   l/.6~ ;
                                                           Eas t ern  Avenue,

                                                                               Can a d a .

                                                                                                          . .
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