Page 35 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 35

                                       The  Postal  Censorsh i p  Service.

     PCL  7B .   P.C .  90/0PENED  BY/EXAMINER  D. /
         Air  mail  cover  from  Kingston  to  the  U.S.A. ,  franked  at  8d,  the  stamps  being  cancelled
     by  Kingston  dater  of  the  1st  October,  1944 .   The  cover  bears  PCL  7B  with  Number  8839
     struck  in  blue  i nk.

                  11..  H.  SARGOOD  &  CO.,
                        3  CHURCH  STREET,
                     KINGSTON .       JA . .  a .w.r.
                            P  0   BOX  188

                               Messrs.  Lieber.mann  Wae1ch1i  & Go. ,

                                         15-19  West  37th  St.,

                                                  NEW YORK  18,  N. Y.,

                                                            U.  S.  A.

         Reverse  of  cover  from  Spalding  to  London,  franked  at  8d,  with  Spalding  dater  of  the
     17 th  October,  the  year  being  omitted  but  bel ieved  to  be  1944 .   The  cover  bears  PCL  7B
     l abel  with  the  Number  8811  struck  in  blue  ink.

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