Page 39 - Sutclifffe-APD_Censorship_Civil
P. 39

                                       The  Postal  Cens orship  Se rvice .

     PCL  7B.   P.C .  90/0PENED  BY/ EXAMINER  D. /  with  number  Smm  high .

          Covers  of  this  group  are  identical  to  the  earlier  PCL  7B  types  except  that  the
     Examiner' s  number  is  handstamped  in  blue  ink,  Smm  high .    The  number  recorded  f or  this
     group  i s : -  4140 .
     EKD :  18  November  1944                                LKD:

        Air  mail  cover  from  England  to  Jamaica  with  Bristol  dater  of  the  25~h  October,  1944
     and  on  the  reverse  Montpelier  receiving  dater  of  the  18ro  November,  1944.      The  cover
     bears  PCL  78,  Number  4140  Smm  high  in  b l ue  ink .

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