Page 32 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 32

                                              MIL~TARY CENSORSHIP  HAND5TAKPS

                                                     OF  THE  CANADIAN  ARMY.
                                                            )(  -  CAC  ) .


                                    YA IR  MAIL


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                                                             Number  10.

                          Air  mail  cover  £rom  Ki~gston to  Ha~lton,  Ontario,
                          franKed  at  1/-,  the  stamps  bei~ cance~led by  Kingston

                          double  circle  of  -the  5-th  March,  1942..               The  cover
                          bears  Canadian  Base  Cehsor  handstamp,  M ~  CAC  ;,  Number  10,
                          struc.k  in black  ink,  th~  cover being sent by  a  mernber  of
                          the  Argyll  a~ Sutherland  Highlanders  of  canaqa.
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