Page 37 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 37

                                          MILITARY  CENSORSH!:F  HANDSTAMPS
                                                  OF  THE  CAHAl>JAN  ARMY.
                                                         M  - CAC  4·

                                                         Type  (11) ..

                         ~e Brockville 'Rifles, ·as  covers  from  the la-tier 'Regiment

                         are  re~orded censored  wi~b this handstamp.                       These  are
                         known  struck  in  a  variety  of Blue  inks  which  vary  frG~
                         Pale  Blue  to  ~eep Blue  ana  also  in Qreyish ~lue to  Violet

                         Blue.         The  "'16''  hands;;amp  was  used by The :Brockville
                         Rifles  fro~ Augusi,  1944,  uniil ~eeember,  ~944.
                               This Regiment  also had  a  second  handstamp,  ~umber 32?,

                         which  it is assume<l  woula have  been  -the  official  censor
                         bands-tsmp  all ocaied  -to  the. 'Regiment.               This la-lier

                         handsta.p  is rare,  only  ~wo examples  having been  recorded
                         to date.,  and  bo-th  are .struck  in  ~raenish Blue  ink.                   Their
                         usage  is recorded  between the 6th  Sep~ember, 1944,  and  the

                         6~h December,  1944·               ~e da~es given below  cover  ihe
                         usage  of both bmdsiamps.

                         EKD:  15/B/194t.                                      J.I<D:  6/12/ 19-#·
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42