Page 41 - Sutclifffe-APD_CanadianForces
P. 41

                                                 CANADIAN  ARKY  POSTMARKS
                                                    APPLIED  IN  "JAMAICA.
                              During  the  Second  World  War  the  Canadian  Forces  sta-tioned

                         in damaica  made  use  of  the  ]ritish Army's  Postal  Service  and
                         there  are  -thus  no  Canadian  Army  postmarks  in respect  o£  mail
                         .from  the  island.

                               Afier  ihis  war  the  Canadian  Army  used  ~amaica as  one  of
                         the  areas  in which  to  carry  out  -training,  especially  in
                         jungle  warfare.            To  date,  three  such  training  exercises

                         have  been  recorded  wbere  on  each  occasioh  the  Can~eian Army
                         i *s  own  Field  Post  O:ffi ce  unit  present.

                               It appears  that  -the  same  unit  went  to  J""amaica  each  -time,
                         Field  Post  Office  ?003,  but  the  ~ormat of  the  dater  was
                         varied  ~or each  exercise.               All  the  strikes are  recorded

                         in  black,  and  the  dates  o:t  given  the  periods  :for
                         which  the  particular  exercise  lasted,  and  not  necessarily
                         the  recorded  dates  of'  usage.              A.s  in.  tne  case  of  other

                         daters,  the  initials of -the  particular  army  or unit have
                         been  allocated,  these  daters  bein.g  designated M-CA..

                                                        Foster  - M-CA  1 .
                               This  is  the  general  type  of  dater  issued  to  all  Canadian
                        Field  Post  Offices,  comprising  a  single  circle,  2}  mm  in

                        diattteter.      It  is  worded,  "CfPO  - 5003"  around  the  top  in
                        sans  serif  type,.  4  mm  high.           Within  this  wording:  is a
                        ·hme  code  expressed  as  "AM          11   or  "PM"  and  on  -the  following

                         line  the  day  and  monih  in  one  line,  the  month  bei ng  shown
                        in Roman  numerals;  there  is  no  year  plug.
                                This  dater  was  used  during  the  £irst  o~ the  Canadian

                        Army's  exercises,  whicb  took  place  in  the  Cockpit  Coun-try
                        of 'J"arnaica,  as  did  the  subsequent  exercises.                 Named  "Nimrod

                        Caper'',  the ~xercise was  under  the  command  of'  Lieutenant
                        Gener al  W.A .lL  Anderson,  his mobile  command  comprising  the
                        1st Royal  Canadian Regiment  of  London,  On-berio;  and  units  of
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